Errors & fixes

Use CTRL+F if on desktop, or Find in Page feature if on mobile to look for your issue.

You may NOT use Visual Studio Code to run npm commands. Run npm commands in the Command Prompt or any other Terminal.

Could not locate binding files

Make sure to try starting your bot between every command, just in case the last command you ran solved the issue.

Open the command prompt (cmd) or terminal if on Linux/BSD or anything else and run:

npm init
npm rebuild quick.db
npm rebuild better-sqlite3
npm uninstall quick.db && npm i quick.db

Related: Glitch. Search the web.

Node can't find Python

Related: node-gyp. StackOverflow. Search the web.

BetterSQLite3 or quick.db can't be installed

Try only one of the following and take the time to read the errors, if any. If it doesn't work, try the next one.

  • Remove the better-sqlite3 and quick.db folders from within the node_modules folder then run npm install.

  • Run npm i better-sqlite3.

  • Run npm rebuild.

  • Remove the entire node_modules folder then run npm install.

Related: Troubleshooting BS3, quick.db #200, better-sqlite3 #397, StackOverflow, NodeGYP, #12, #14, #18.

A new ticket is created on every single DM

Glitch users are not affected by this issue.

For users who host their bot on GitHub and Heroku, this error isn't recoverable because the json.sqlite file is in the cache. The cache gets cleared on every bot restart.

Replit users seem to be affected by this issue as well.


Bot doesn't delete or create channels

Give your bot the permission to manage channels.

Related: #4.


Can't read property of null

Related: #9, #13, #15, #18, Search the web.

Privileged intents provided not enabled

Related: discord.js #5123, #40.

Invalid token

Make sure of the following:

  • The token you use is the Bot token, not the Application token.

  • The token is in the config.json file.

Try to do the following:

  • Regenerate the Bot token.

  • Find the bot.js file and replace client.login(config.token) with client.login("token").

Related:, #8.

MessageEmbed isn't a constructor

Update your discord.js version.

Related: #7.

Still can't find your issue?

Create a new one.

Last updated